Report Description
In Customer Analysis dashboard, it tells about an individual or an overall customer buying behavior. By selecting year, month, customer, city and store from the dropdown combo box, one can view:

  • CustomerKey Performance Indicator (KPI) i.e.
    • How many transactions are made by customer?
    • How many dollar transactions are made by customer?
    • What is the average transaction per customer? and
    • How much average dollar is spent by customer?
  • Customer purchasing detail i.e.
    • From which store customer buys the product?
    • Which and how much of the product was bought and at what rate? and
    • How much money was spent by the customer?
  • Where the customer is located?
  • How much is the customer spending capacity and how much actually customer is spending? (spending capacity is calculated based on the average spending by a customer on clothing and accessories)
  • What are the top 5 products bought by the customer?
  • What is the product Year-to-Date Unit variance?
Report Details